Electrical safety: Tips for Christmas

Electrical Safety Tips for Christmas

Christmas time has arrived! Love it or hate it, Christmas lights and decorations are all around! 🎄☃️  

We don’t want to be the Grinch: It is a time of joy and festivities after all, but we want to remind you NOT to fall short on your electrical safety.

Did you know that Christmas Day is the day in December most likely to have a fire service called to a property? In fact, between 2017 and 2019, fire services tended to more than 2,300 fires on Christmas Day across the UK (Source: Peabody).

Fear not, here at National Safety Inspections we’re going to give you the lowdown on how to keep yourself, your family, and your tenants safe this Christmas.

Electrical Safety Tips for Christmas

Christmas lights 

When taking your Christmas decorations out of storage, you should always give them a check to ensure they are safe to use. 

This check can be completed visually and should consist of checking for loose wired, frayed cords, sparks when plugging it in, or any other signs of damage.Christmas Lights

Did you know that Christmas tree lights injure nearly 350 people annually? If anything looks unusual or dangerous, discard and replace it immediately. 

Top tip: Use LED lights instead of halogen! Since LED Christmas lights don’t get hot to the touch, they’re safe to use inside around your Christmas tree, wreaths, and garlands.

When your Christmas decorations are up (exciting!) there are still electrical hazards to look out for. Christmas lights should never be left on when you go to bed or leave the house, everyone can be forgetful sometimes and if you think you may forget to turn them off then consider adding a timer which can automatically turn them off after a set time-period. 

Do Christmas lights need PAT testing?

No, your Christmas lights do not need to be PAT tested every year, however, if you’re a landlord or letting agent you MUST ensure appliances provided in your property are ‘safe’. The best way to check they are safe is by doing a PAT test. Find out more here.

Tips for using string lights: 

  • Ensure they are not a trip hazard 
  • Don’t overload plug sockets 
  • Do not allow children or animals to play with them 
  • Make sure not to use indoor lights outside
  • Only buy lights from reputable shops 

Outside decorations

More and more people are decorating the outside of their homes by adding dancing Santas,Christmas Lights flashing stars and giant sledges to the front of their houses during the festive season. Many of
these highly decorated houses attract big crowds of passers-by and are using the opportunity to collect money for local charities. However, this can sometimes pose another danger.

For outside decorations, it is ESSENTIAL to ensure the type of lights used are made specifically for outdoor use. These lights are made to withstand rain, wind and temperature fluctuations.

When plugging in outside lights, use outdoor extension cords when needed, do not use normal extension cords outside! 

Christmas trees 

Whether you are opting for a ‘real’ or artificial Christmas tree this year, we are ready to give you some safety tips on both. 

‘Real’ Christmas trees can be a fire hazard when they dry out as they get dry branches and parched needles which can be easily set alight by a spark. 

 To keep your tree safe, here are our recommendations: 

  • Water your tree, a real tree can absorb up to 1 litre of water per day! 
  • When placing your tree, place it away from heat sources and heaters 
  • Ensure any decorations used on the tree are fire-proof 

When purchasing an artificial Christmas tree, you should check that it is fire-resistant. If you have already purchased a tree that is not fire-resistant then you can purchase fire-retardant spray which can ensure your tree is safe. 

Smoke alarms 

The highlight of many peoples Christmas dayChristmas dinner! 

With military precision required to get all your food ready on time, you may find yourself leaving a pan on the hob or burning something in the oven. 

It is VITAL to ensure that your smoke alarms have been tested to make sure that they are functioning properly. Save your roast dinner and ensure the safety of everyone in your household.

We hope these electrical safety tips can make your Christmas the safest and the most wonderful time of the year (see what we did there?).

As a landlord, you want to make sure your property is safe and has the necessary certification. Here at NSI we are on hand to keep you safe and sound this festive season. If you would like to book in for PAT Testing to ensure your tenants are safe this Christmas or for smoke detector testing to keep your Christmas dinner running smoothly, just click the button below.