How Much Does An EICR Report Cost?

How Much Does Obtaining An EICR Cost?

The cost of an EICR can depend on a few factors, including the size of your property and the age of the electrics. Older properties and properties with outdated electrics may cost more if they take much longer to test, and sometimes extra time is needed simply to locate and identify all the circuits before a test can begin. Prices may also differ between regions, with electrical inspections often costing more in London and the South than they do in the North of England.

EICR checks can also be priced differently depending on contractors and the size of your property. Some contractors may price checks per circuit, while others may offer a package price for your whole property. It’s important to discuss with your electrician how many circuits they’re planning to check, too, particularly if your property is more extensive. Testing a smaller sample of circuits will be cheaper, but won’t be as accurate or reliable as testing a greater number of circuits in a larger property.

What Are National Safety Inspections’ EICR Prices?

NSI offers simple, transparent pricing on EICR safety checks. Domestic tests are available from £150 + VAT for 15 circuits, with higher prices expected in the South and larger property portfolios. Commercial tests are available from £150 + VAT for the first ten circuits, with further circuits tested from £12 + VAT.

For more information about our EICR checks and what they involve, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at NSI.