How much does PAT Testing Cost?

How much does PAT Testing Cost?

How Much Does Obtaining A PAT Testing Certificate Cost?

The cost of PAT Testing depends primarily on the number of electrical items which need to be tested and whether any of the electrical appliances need repairing or replacing.

Some contractors may price checks per circuit, while others may offer a package price for your whole property. It’s vital to discuss with your electrician how many circuits they’re planning to check, too, particularly if your property is more extensive.

Prices may also differ between regions, with PAT Testing often costing more in London and the South than they do in the North of England.

If you own or manage property that you let out to tenants, it is crucial to ensure that all electrical equipment is safe to use. The best way to check they are safe is by doing a PAT test.

What are NSI’s prices for PAT Testing?

NSI offers simple, transparent pricing for PAT Testing. Domestic tests are available from £65 + VAT for which covers the first 40 appliances, with adjusted prices for London to £75 + VAT.

For commercial properties that exceed 40 appliances, it is just £1+ VAT per portable appliance thereafter and £3.50 + VAT per fixed appliance (hand dryers etc). We also have £3.50 + VAT per microwave radiation leakage test.

Our price includes a thorough visual inspection by qualified electricians, pass and fail labels, a PAT Testing certificate, fuse replacement, and plug replacement.

For more information about PAT Testing and what it involves, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at NSI.